
On premise solution: Right choice to developer to protect/Shield your mobile applications.
Simple and flexible Pricing: for Developer and Software Enterprise (ISV);
With All in one shielding feature to defend static/dynamic analysis threat

Free Trial


30 Days Free Trial

On Premise, All Protection features available for testing/evaluation

  • Access all encryption/shielding feature to test all kinds of application formate: App, Apk, AAB, AAR etc.
  • GUI/CLI Tools both available;
  • Online Support/Consultancy
  • Codeless and Documentation to complete testing/evaluation process

Tip: Only for testing & Evaluation: Execution of protected Apps limited within 7 days.

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Best Choice for Single Developer/Small team

Flexible package to single developer/small team

Supports small team/single developer to shield/hardening your mobile Apps with "cost efficient" plan:

  • By tickets or short terms subscription;
  • On Premise: no need to upload code to cloud and no leaky risk;
  • One suite supports Android Apps: Apk, AAB, AAR, .So libs, iOS Apps, and Unity3D project;
  • No limitation to: - No. of Apps; - Size of Apps; - No. of Apps download & activated monthly.
  • Online Support/Consultancy;

Tip: The license period (Project subscription plan) is the period of Virbox Protector itself. The apps protected by valid Virbox Protector license will be permanently valid, even if the license of Virbox Protector expired.

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Customized Plan


Contact us

  • Annually subscription
  • Combo license/Site license
  • Customize Software protection/Shielding Project
  • etc.

Why Select Virbox Protector?

Proven Solution & large customer base: +2000 developer/ISV selected

Ease of Use & Codeless Integration (GUI and CLI tool available)

Multi-layered Protection/Shielding to prevent Static/Dynamic Analysis;

Cross Platform availability: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM linux, Android and iOS;

Multiple program Language support: C, C++, C#, Java, VB .NET, Go, Swift, Object-C, ASM

Frame support: Mono, .NET Core, .NET framework

Game Engine support: Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Cocos 2D/3D,

Scripting language: Python, PHP, Lua, Java Script, Perl, R,

Support Architecture: X86, X64, ARMV7, ARMV8, MIPS,